Maintenance & Hosting
BuildFire Services
What type of app are you building?

Apple iOS is a better choice to reach a more engaged user base. Android has a broader reach, especially in emerging markets like Asia and Africa.

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iOS App

An operating system used by Apple products (e.g. iPhone, iPad).

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Android App

An operating system used by various brands (e.g. Samsung, HTC, LG).

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Web App

React, Next and other technlogies to create a high quality web app running on all browsers and smartphones.

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AI Integration

Integrating AI into your existing solutions or building innovative and user-friendly apps using AI for personalization, analytics, automation, and more.

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Progressive Web App (PWA)

Web apps that are fast and reliable with very rich user experiences.

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Back-end Developer

Creates code that communicates database information for an application to work.

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Blockchain Applications

Decentralized applications built on blockchain technology.